Welcome to my Brain

Be afraid ... be very afraid. You are now entering jon's neurons. I know, you are thinking, "The steady stream of consciousness is both stimulating and therapeutic." My answer is, "yes, yes it is." Just you wait. The items and posts will both boggle your mind and deaden your senses. It will be like drugs and money. Too much will be lethal, but too little will be unthinkably unbearable. This is crazy. I'm an idiot.


Melissa said…
What's a nice guy like you doing on a blog like this? heh. Just wanted to tell you that we have company. Last night, I helped David rewrite and revise the editorial he was writing for the Deseret News. He decided (upon my recommendation) to create his own blog to do a little ranting and raving. We all know it will be highly entertaining. For a good time, go to davesdominion.blogspot.com and check out Dave's portentous beginning.