Popular Science Myths Debunked?

Check out this link

Myths Debunked?

Doesn't go far in the ways of proving these myths are false, but talks about common misconceptions people have. Favorites of mine include ... the 5 second rule of dropping food on the ground, can you really kill someone by dropping a penny off a high building, Humans only use 10 percent of their brain. hmmmm ... did you hear that sound ... my bubble seems to have just burst.


Melissa said…
Well, I always knew my "10" second rule was ridiculous, so I'm sticking to it regardless. Besides germs may stick on contact, but it certainly doesn't help to let something roll around on the floor for a few days.

Funny and fascinating site.
Michelle said…
This website is way too entertaining. I spent forever looking up crazy facts and junk. Ah... the never ending cycle of me procrastinating my homework.
Dave said…
Your trying to tell us you use more than ten percent of your brain? I find that hard to believe.
Melissa said…
Dave, remember that day your brain fell out?

Melissa said…
Do you want your leg amputated? If so, just send an instant message to screen name 'prostheticpete'

Hey, you might want to get rid of your Mr. Bunny in Pink there. Don't want people getting the wrong idea, heh.
Jonathan said…
thank you for the heads up
Melissa said…
How perfect, now that you've deleted that comment (and rightly so--cursed spammers), it looks like I'm just leaving random, incomprehensible comments on your blog. Oh wait, that's nothing new.